I’m a CEO, Brain Surgeon and Black Ops Specialist living in Colorado. I started this lifestyle website inspire and help others accomplish their dreams. One might ask, how can I grow up to be all the things I want to be? Here’s how, let me give you a list of what you need to do to accomplish your dreams.
How to Accomplish Your Dreams
Make a list of things you want to do before third grade: For example, I really wanted to do a backflip off my deck. After a lot of hard work and practice, I accomplished it, and it’s my greatest accomplishment to date.
Vegetables: be sure to eat them.
Homework: I know it’s not fun, but just do it. Do the harder parts first, because it won’t be that bad.
Read lots of books: You can be really smart and well rounded. My favorite book is Flyguy.
Be more like your heros: Find someone to look up to, like Spiderman. Spiderman can shoot webs and he has a really cool suit.
Exercise your brain: Learn spanish, practice math, and make sure you work hard.
Video games: they’re a must. Practice on video games and get really good, pick a game and be the best. For example, Destiny 2. I’m awesome at it and I’m a really high level.
Pick an Animal that represents you: I’m a Turtle. They’re SO cool, they can get really big. Turtles are tough, they’re steady.
Find someone that makes you work hard: My mom and my dad, they’re awesome, and they help me to be better everyday.